Become a Sponsor

Hook Lines and Singers Inc. is a local Smith Mountain Lake non-profit. We donate all monies raised to local and national charities.

If you would like to help sponsor this event we are looking for:

Diamond Sponsor $5,000:

  • Company Name and Logo on all event banners, flyers and programs as Diamond Sponsor
  • Included in all press releases as the Diamond Sponsor
  • Mentions in all media events as the Diamond Sponsor
  • Mentions during events at each festival as the Diamond Sponsor

Platinum – $1,000:

  • Company Name and Logo on all event banners, flyers and programs as a Platinum Sponsor for that event
  • Included in all press releases as a Platinum Sponsor for that event
  • Included in all media for that event as a Platinum Sponsor
  • Mentions during that event as a Platinum Sponsor

Gold – $500:

  • Company Name and Logo on all event banners, flyers and programs as a Gold Sponsor for that event
  • Included in all press releases and media as a Gold Sponsor for that event
  • Mentions during that event as a Gold Sponsor

Silver – $250:

  • Company Name and Logo on all event banners, flyers and programs as a Silver Sponsor for that event
  • Included in all press releases and media as a Silver Sponsor for that event
  • Mentions during that event as a Silver Sponsor

Mail checks made out to:
Hook Lines and Singers, Inc
c/o Timothy Reith
24 Watchtower Drive
Moneta, VA 24121